35 research outputs found

    A meshless fragile points method for rule-based definition of myocardial fiber orientation

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    Background and objective: Rule-based methods are commonly used to estimate the arrangement of myocardial fibers by solving the Laplace problem with appropriate Dirichlet boundary conditions. Existing algorithms are using the Finite Element Method (FEM) to solve the Laplace鈥揇irichlet problem. However, meshless methods are under development for cardiac electrophysiology simulation. The objective of this work is to propose a meshless rule based method for the determination of myocardial fiber arrangement without requiring a mesh discretization as it is required by FEM. Methods: The proposed method employs the Fragile Points Method (FPM) for the solution of the Laplace鈥揇irichlet problem. FPM uses simple discontinuous trial functions and single-point exact integration for linear trial functions that set it as a promising alternative to the Finite Element Method. We derive the FPM formulation of the Laplace鈥揇irichlet and we estimate ventricular and atrial fiber arrangements according to rules based on histology findings for four different geometries. The obtained fiber arrangements from FPM are compared with the ones obtained from FEM by calculating the angle between the fiber vector fields of the two methods for three different directions (i.e., longitudinal, sheet, transverse). Results:The fiber arrangements that were generated with FPM were in close agreement with the generated arrangements from FEM for all three directions. The mean angle difference between the FPM and FEM vector fields were lower than for the ventricular fiber arrangements and lower than for the atrial fiber arrangements. Discussion:The proposed meshless rule-based method was proven to generate myocardial fiber arrangements with very close agreement with FEM while alleviates the requirement for a mesh of the latter. This is of great value for cardiac electrophysiology solvers that are based on meshless methods since they require a well defined myocardial fiber arrangement to simulate accurately the propagation of electrical signals in the heart. Combining a meshless solution for both the determination of the fibers and the electrical signal propagation can allow for solution that do not require the definition of a mesh. To our knowledge, this work is the first one to propose a meshless rule-based method for myocardial fiber arrangement determination

    Location of parasympathetic innervation regions from electrograms to guide atrial fibrillation ablation therapy: an in silico modeling study

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    The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays an essential role in the generation and maintenance of cardiac arrhythmias. The cardiac ANS can be divided into its extrinsic and intrinsic components, with the latter being organized in an epicardial neural network of interconnecting axons and clusters of autonomic ganglia called ganglionated plexi (GPs). GP ablation has been associated with a decreased risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence, but the accurate location of GPs is required for ablation to be effective. Although GP stimulation triggers both sympathetic and parasympathetic ANS branches, a predominance of parasympathetic activity has been shown. This study aims was to develop a method to locate atrial parasympathetic innervation sites based on measurements from a grid of electrograms (EGMs). Electrophysiological models representative of non-AF, paroxysmal AF (PxAF), and persistent AF (PsAF) tissues were developed. Parasympathetic effects were modeled by increasing the concentration of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) in randomly distributed circles across the tissue. Different circle sizes of ACh and fibrosis geometries were considered, accounting for both uniform diffuse and non-uniform diffuse fibrosis. Computational simulations were performed, from which unipolar EGMs were computed in a 16 脳 1 6 electrode mesh. Different distances of the electrodes to the tissue (0.5, 1, and 2 mm) and noise levels with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 dB were tested. The amplitude of the atrial EGM repolarization wave was found to be representative of the presence or absence of ACh release sites, with larger positive amplitudes indicating that the electrode was placed over an ACh region. Statistical analysis was performed to identify the optimal thresholds for the identification of ACh sites. In all non-AF, PxAF, and PsAF tissues, the repolarization amplitude rendered successful identification. The algorithm performed better in the absence of fibrosis or when fibrosis was uniformly diffuse, with a mean accuracy of 0.94 in contrast with a mean accuracy of 0.89 for non-uniform diffuse fibrotic cases. The algorithm was robust against noise and worked for the tested ranges of electrode-to-tissue distance. In conclusion, the results from this study support the feasibility to locate atrial parasympathetic innervation sites from the amplitude of repolarization wave

    SK Channel Block and Adrenergic Stimulation Counteract Acetylcholine-Induced Arrhythmogenic Effects in Human Atria

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    There is increasing evidence on the role of the autonomic nervous system in the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation. Interventions targeting autonomic modulation of atrial electrical activity have been shown to reduce the incidence of atrial arrhythmias. Additionally, recent investigations have proved that pharmacological therapies inhibiting small-conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channels are able to lessen cholinergic effects in the atria.In this study we use computational modeling and simulation to test individual and combined effects of SK channel block and adrenergic stimulation in counteracting detrimental effects induced by the parasympathetic neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) on human atrial electrophysiology. Cell and tissue models are built that incorporate descriptions of SK channels as well as of isoproterenol (Iso)- and ACh-mediated regulation of the atrial action potential (AP). Three different cellular AP models, representing a range of physiological AP shapes, are considered and both homogeneous and heterogeneous ACh distributions in atrial tissue are simulated.At the cellular level, SK channel block is demonstrated to partially revert shortening of AP duration (APD) mediated by ACh at various doses, whereas 1 碌M Iso has a variable response depending on the AP shape. The combination of SK block and Iso is in all cases able to take APD back to baseline levels, recovering between 82% and 120% of the APD shortening induced by 0.1 碌M ACh. At the tissue level, SK block and Iso alone or in combination do not exert remarkable effects on conduction velocity, but the combination of the two is able to notably prolong the ACh-mediated APD shortening, thus increasing the wavelength for reentry.In conclusion, the results from this study support the combination of SK channel block and adrenergic stimulation as a potential option to counteract parasympathetically-mediated proarrhythmic effects in the human atria

    Mecanismos de adaptaci贸n del intervalo QT del electrocardiograma durante prueba de esfuerzo y su relaci贸n con el riesgo de arritmias.

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    En este proyecto se realiza una caracterizaci贸n de la adaptaci贸n del intervalo QT del electrocardiograma (ECG) y de la duraci贸n del potencial de acci贸n celular y tisular (APD) ante cambios en el ritmo card铆aco. Sobre la base de dicha caracterizaci贸n, se investigan los mecanismos que subyacen a dicho fen贸meno. En estudios previos se ha analizado la adaptaci贸n de la repolarizaci贸n ventricular o vuelta al estado de reposo de los ventr铆culos (cavidades inferiores del coraz贸n) tras un cambio brusco de tipo escal贸n en el ritmo card铆aco. Como estos cambios bruscos son complejos de analizar, recientemente se han desarrollado t茅cnicas para evaluar la respuesta ventricular ante un incremento gradual del ritmo card铆aco con un patr贸n similar a una rampa. Sin embargo, los mecanismos que explican la adaptaci贸n de la repolarizaci贸n ventricular a este tipo de cambios es todav铆a desconocida. En este trabajo se analiza la contribuci贸n de la estimulaci贸n 尾-adren茅rgica en esta adaptaci贸n, ya que los cambios de tipo rampa en el ritmo card铆aco, como los ocurridos durante prueba de esfuerzo, se asocian con un incremento en la actividad simp谩tica del sistema nervioso aut贸nomo y, por ende, en la estimulaci贸n 尾-adren茅rgica. En el trabajo se ha determinado el patr贸n de este tipo de estimulaci贸n que explica de manera 贸ptima la respuesta del intervalo QT ante cambios en el ritmo card铆aco. Para llevar a cabo el trabajo, se ha realizado una investigaci贸n in silico sobre cardiomiocitos ventriculares humanos utilizando ecuaciones diferenciales para describir la actividad el茅ctrica celular as铆 como la modulaci贸n de esta por parte de la rama simp谩tica del sistema nervioso aut贸nomo. Se ha aplicado sobre los modelos celulares un tren de est铆mulos que reproducen los cambios en el ritmo card铆aco observados en pacientes sometidos a prueba de esfuerzo. Adem谩s, se han simulado diversos patrones en el nivel de estimulaci贸n 尾-adren茅rgica asociados con el desarrollo de la prueba. Sobre la serie temporal de APD, se han aplicado t茅cnicas de procesado de se帽al para caracterizar los tiempos de adaptaci贸n del APD en respuesta a cambios en el ritmo card铆aco, tanto durante la fase de esfuerzo como durante la fase de recuperaci贸n. Utilizando los modelos celulares construidos, que acoplan descripciones matem谩ticas de la electrofisiolog铆a ventricular y de su modulaci贸n auton贸mica, se ha determinado c贸mo el patr贸n de estimulaci贸n 尾-adren茅rgica contribuye a explicar el tiempo de adaptaci贸n del potencial de acci贸n celular ante cambios en el ritmo card铆aco. A continuaci贸n se han desarrollado modelos de tejido ventricular utilizando ecuaciones en derivadas parciales que permiten representar la propagaci贸n del impulso el茅ctrico de unas c茅lulas a otras. Se han realizado simulaciones computacionales basadas en dichos tejidos, sobre las que se han aplicado los mismos protocolos de estimulaci贸n descritos a nivel celular con el objetivo de reproducir la respuesta ventricular del tejido durante la prueba de esfuerzo. A partir de los potenciales calculados a lo largo del tejido simulado se han calculado se帽ales ECG simuladas, que se han delineado para determinar el intervalo QT. Las series temporales de QT obtenidas se han comparado con las registradas en pacientes, lo que ha permitido validar los modelos desarrollados. A partir de las series simuladas, se ha evaluado el tiempo de adaptaci贸n del intervalo QT utilizando t茅cnicas de procesado de se帽al y se ha establecido que los mecanismos subyacentes a dicho tiempo de adaptaci贸n se mantienen como los determinados a nivel celular, con contribuciones adicionales caracter铆sticas de la propagaci贸n en el tejido.<br /

    Estudio de los efectos del envejecimiento sobre la actividad el茅ctrica card铆aca y su relaci贸n con el riesgo de arritmias

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    En este proyecto se presenta un estudio acerca de los efectos del envejecimiento card铆aco, analizando en particular la influencia en la actividad el茅ctrica de los ventr铆culos (cavidades inferiores del coraz贸n) y su relaci贸n con el riesgo de sufrir irregularidades en el ritmo normal del coraz贸n denominadas arritmias. Los factores de envejecimiento que se han investigado han sido la fibrosis, esto es, la acumulaci贸n de col谩geno en el tejido card铆aco, y el desacoplamiento intercelular definido como la p茅rdida de interacciones el茅ctricas de unas c茅lulas con otras. Estos factores se han estudiado tanto por separado como en conjunto. En primer lugar, se presentan los modelos matem谩ticos empleados para caracterizar el comportamiento de los ventr铆culos humanos a nivel celular y de tejido. Para modelar el tejido ventricular se considera una malla bidimensional (4 cm x 4 cm) compuesta por c茅lulas del epicardio ventricular. El aumento de fibrosis con la edad se modela sustituyendo una cantidad de c茅lulas del epicardio por fibroblastos en funci贸n del porcentaje de fibrosis considerado. El desacoplamiento intercelular con el envejecimiento se modela reduciendo el valor del coeficiente de difusi贸n asociado a la propagaci贸n del impulso el茅ctrico en el tejido card铆aco. Una vez establecidos los modelos para los diferentes escenarios de inter茅s, se llevan a cabo simulaciones computacionales, a partir de las cuales se caracteriza el comportamiento el茅ctrico del tejido en cada caso. Adem谩s, a partir de la respuesta el茅ctrica evaluada en el tejido simulado, se calculan electrogramas, que representan se帽ales el茅ctricas registradas sobre la superficie del tejido. Se analizan caracter铆sticas de amplitud y duraci贸n de las ondas de los electrogramas y se determina el impacto que los factores de envejecimiento tienen sobre ellos. Finalmente, se simula un protocolo de estimulaci贸n que induce la aparici贸n de reentradas en el tejido y se analiza la vulnerabilidad arr铆tmica en funci贸n del grado de envejecimiento.Los resultados obtenidos muestran un impacto variado en la actividad el茅ctrica del coraz贸n en funci贸n del factor de envejecimiento modelado. La acumulaci贸n de fibrosis supone un mayor riesgo en la aparici贸n de arritmias que el desacoplamiento intercelular. No obstante, los resultados de la combinaci贸n de ambos factores denotan escenarios de riesgo arr铆tmico mucho m谩s acentuado que cuando se consideran los efectos de forma separada. Es posible caracterizar el impacto de los distintos factores de envejecimiento del coraz贸n a partir de la evaluaci贸n de marcadores extra铆dos de los electrogramas. En conclusi贸n, este proyecto propone nuevos m茅todos de modelado matem谩tico y simulaci贸n computacional que permiten establecer la contribuci贸n de distintos factores de envejecimiento a las alteraciones en la actividad el茅ctrica del coraz贸n. Estos resultados pueden servir como base para el desarrollo de futuros m茅todos con capacidad para identificar individuos con un envejecimiento acelerado que les predisponga a sufrir arritmias card铆acas. <br /

    The role of 脽-adrenergic stimulation in QT interval adaptation to heart rate during stress test

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    The adaptation lag of the QT interval after heart rate (HR) has been proposed as an arrhythmic risk marker. Most studies have quantified the QT adaptation lag in response to abrupt, step-like changes in HR induced by atrial pacing, in response to tilt test or during ambulatory recordings. Recent studies have introduced novel methods to quantify the QT adaptation lag to gradual, ramp-like HR changes in stress tests by evaluating the differences between the measured QT series and an estimated, memoryless QT series obtained from the instantaneous HR. These studies have observed the QT adaptation lag to progressively reduce when approaching the stress peak, with the underlying mechanisms being still unclear. This study analyzes the contribution of 尾-adrenergic stimulation to QT interval rate adaptation in response to gradual, ramp-like HR changes. We first quantify the QT adaptation lag in Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) patients undergoing stress test. To uncover the involved mechanisms, we use biophysically detailed computational models coupling descriptions of human ventricular electrophysiology and 尾-adrenergic signaling, from which we simulate ventricular action potentials and ECG signals. We characterize the adaptation of the simulated QT interval in response to the HR time series measured from each of the analyzed CAD patients. We show that, when the simulated ventricular tissue is subjected to a time-varying 尾-adrenergic stimulation pattern, with higher stimulation levels close to the stress peak, the simulated QT interval presents adaptation lags during exercise that are more similar to those measured from the patients than when subjected to constant 尾-adrenergic stimulation. During stress test recovery, constant and time-varying 尾-adrenergic stimulation patterns render similar adaptation lags, which are generally shorter than during exercise, in agreement with results from the patients. In conclusion, our findings support the role of time-varying 尾-adrenergic stimulation in contributing to QT interval adaptation to gradually increasing HR changes as those seen during the exercise phase of a stress test

    Changes in QRS and T-wave Loops Subsequent to an Increase in Left Ventricle Globularity as in Intrauterine Growth Restriction: a Simulation Study

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    [EN] Cardiovascular remodeling induced by intrauterine growth restriction manifests in adulthood by more globular ventricles, as evidenced by in vivo measurements. The angle between the dominant vectors of the QRS and T-wave loops has been reported to be significantly altered as a result of the induced remodeling. To investigate whether the more globular ventricular shape was a major factor contributing to such alteration, we performed electrophysiological simulations in a human biventricular model for control and in a model obtained by deforming the control one to represent a more spherical left ventricle (SLV). Transmural ventricular heterogeneities and a Purkinje network were included. 12-lead ECGs were calculated, from which spatial QRS and T-wave angles were computed. The angle between the T-wave and the XZ-plane was found to increase in the SLV model, showing a variation similar to that reported in in vivo studies. However, the angle between the dominant vectors of the QRS and T-wave loops projected onto the XY-plane was lower for control, contrary to clinical observations in IUGR adults. Other clinical results could not be reproduced in our simulations either. Our findings suggest that a more globular left ventricular shape leads to changes in the angles of QRS and T-wave loops, but further research is needed to fully understand these changes and the underlying mechanismsI would like to acknowledge support by Fundaci ' on Carolina, Universidad de Zaragoza and Universidad Polit ' ecnica Salesiana through its doctoral scholar-ship. This work was supported by projects ERC-StG 638284 (ERC), PID2019-105674RB-I00 and PID2019104881RB-I00 (MICINN) and LMP124-18 and reference group T39-20R (Arag ' on Government cofunded by FEDER 2014-2020 "Building Europe from Aragon"). Computations were performed using ICTS NANBIOSIS (HPC unit at U. Zaragoza). N. Ortigosa acknowledges support from Generalitat Valenciana under grant Prometeo/2017/102 and Spanish MINECO under grant MTM2016-76647-PBueno-Palomeque, FL.; Mountris, KA.; Minchol茅, A.; Ortigosa, N.; Bail贸n, R.; Pueyo, E.; Laguna, P. (2020). Changes in QRS and T-wave Loops Subsequent to an Increase in Left Ventricle Globularity as in Intrauterine Growth Restriction: a Simulation Study. IEEE. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.22489/CinC.2020.438S1

    Evaluaci贸n Computacional de la Arquitectura de la Matriz de Cultivo en la Electrofisiolog铆a Card铆aca

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    Los cardiomiocitos derivados de c茅lulas madre pluripotentes inducidas humanas (hiPSC-CMs) que se cultivan en matrices bioimpresas han mostrado resultados prometedores en el campo de la medicina regenerativa. El trasplante de estos cultivos en 谩reas da帽adas del ventr铆culo puede contribuir a restaurar la funci贸n card铆aca. &nbsp;Sin embargo, la arritmicidad latente debida a la reducci贸n en la propagaci贸n del frente de onda el茅ctrico del complejo hiPSC-CMs-matriz requiere una caracterizaci贸n m谩s profunda. El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar el impacto de la arquitectura de la matriz en el tiempo de activaci贸n (TA) del tejido a trav茅s del uso de m茅todos computacionales. Modelos electrofisiol贸gicos in silico de hiPSC-CM en combinaci贸n con el m茅todo de elementos finitos y el modelo monodominio se emplearon para simular la actividad el茅ctrica en complejos de hiPSC-CMs-matriz. Se ajustaron la alineaci贸n de las fibras y el acoplamiento intercelular para obtener mapas de TA simulados similares a sus pares experimentales. Adem谩s, se evaluaron matrices con poros rectangulares, aux茅ticos y hexagonales alargados, con el fin de determinar la estructura m谩s biomim茅tica en t茅rminos de anisotrop铆a tisular y velocidad de propagaci贸n del potencial de acci贸n. &nbsp;Los cultivos con poros hexagonales alargados en 60 grados alcanzaron una activaci贸n m谩s fisiol贸gica que las arquitecturas restantes. Esto es debido a la mayor alineaci贸n en paralelo a la direcci贸n de propagaci贸n de las c茅lulas en esta estructura. &nbsp;Por lo tanto, los hex谩gonos alargados minimizar铆an el riesgo de generar alteraciones proarr铆tmicas significativas de este procedimiento

    Efectos Transitorios y en Estado Estacionario del Bloqueo del Canal SK y de la Estimulaci贸n Adren茅rgica para Contrarrestar los Efectos Arritmog茅nicos Inducidos por Acetilcolina en la Aur铆cula Humana: un Estudio Computacional

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    En este estudio se utiliza la simulaci贸n computacional para evaluar los efectos individuales y combinados del bloqueo de los canales i贸nicos SK y de la estimulaci贸n 尾-adren茅rgica para contrarrestar los efectos proarr铆tmicos inducidos por la estimulaci贸n colin茅rgica en la electrofisiolog铆a auricular humana, tanto a nivel celular como tisular